Tours and Quizzes#1:Chapters 3-7

Answers to Chapter 3 Quiz

1. a. A page of text with formatting specifications in HTML code.

2. c. Make and name a new folder in which to store ypur web pages.

3. c. Please email us at, because this has a 
      domain name and organization name.

4. b. Select the text and apply bold,plus apply a type size.

5. b. create tables or layers.

6. d. A Paragraph has space followingit, a Break has no space follwing it.

7. d. I promise I want do any of the above.

8. By looking at the Link bar.

Answers to Chapter 4 Quiz

1. b. tall_tales.html, because of the underscore.
2. 1)a, 2)c,3)d,4)b

3. d. All of the above.

4. d. All of the above.

5. d. None of the above

6. d. all of the above.

7. c. They need to reserve space on their server.

8. c. Use site management software.

Answers to chapter 5 Quiz

1. Web:Because, stockholders are in various locations in which 
   they can all use a computer to get an e-mail.

2. Web: Because you can send every agency and studio your web address.

3. Web: Because they can all be informed by e-mail.

4. Web: Infirmation can easily be updated.

5. Web: Because a larger audience can be reached.

6. Web. Because if a mistake is made it can be corrected and the information
        can easily be generated via the web.

Chapter 6: Whole Quiz about redesigning web pages.

Answers to Chapter 7 Quiz

     I believe it is easier to navigate about the second web page because 
     the navigation buttons are easier to read and the navigation buttons
     are located in two places, vertically and horizontally where as in
     web page"A",the graphics are bad and the navigation butons or icons
     are unclear.


