Electronic Portfolio                 

After further researching educational web site
related issues,I have put together this electronic
portfolio where I try to address another indirect 
web site issue; integrating technology into the 
classroom. I have also included my reflection on how I plan
to fulfill standards related to this issue alone with a 
diversity essay. 

My Philosophy of Education:
   Education should prepare indiviuals to be 
dependable productive citizens. Education should
be extensive and thorough so an indiviual that desires 
to improve his or her life will be able to will be able to
so by acquiring it. I believe that a properly educated person
should develop a solid knowledge foundation which will enable
them to decide on a multitude of career oppurtunities
from which to choose.

   Education should be challengihg, yet comprehensive
and attainable for even the most specially challenged 
indiviuals. I believe then,education should be ongoing
for life beyond acquiring advanced academic degrees; therefore
I truly believe that education should be our nations' top
priority and made affordable to all who seek it.
   Table of Contents.   

I.   Technology Operations and Concepts.

II.  Planning and Designing Learning Environments. 

III. Teching,Learning and the Curriculum.

IV.  Assessment and Evaluation. 

V.   Productivity and Professional Practices. 

VI.  Social,Ethical,Legal,and Human Issues. 
VII. Survey1

VIII. Survey2
